Article I
The Name of this Club is School Police
Article II
The Purpose of School Police is to maintain the peacefulness and orderliness of the school especially during school activities.
Article III
Those eligible for membership in School Police are the selected students from First year to the Fourth year with a good moral character and a pleasant personality.
Article IV
Section 1.Officers of the School Police shall be a School Police Commander In Chief (the school dean of discipline), a School Police Director (which is the Supreme Student Government), a General (must be a 4th year student), a Secretary, Four Platoon Leaders (must be a 4th year student), and it’s Elements (Ten elements per Platoon)it must be 4th, 3rd, 2nd. or 1st year students. The General down to the Elements are to be chosen by a recommendation from the Commander In Chief and the School Police Director.
Section 2. Officers shall serve for a School Year and may be eligible for the reconstruction of the School Police for another School Year.
Section 3. School Police officers shall have the following duties:
The School Police Commander In Chief: He/She shall serve as the adviser of the School Police and will train the newly selected officers.
The School Police Director: He/She shall serve as the sovereign of the rules that the General down to the Elements may follow.
The School Police General: He/She shall serve as the highest leader of his troop and he must also preside at all the meetings of the School Police.
The Secretary: He/She shall write the minutes of all meetings and be the assistant of the General.
The Platoon Leaders: They shall follow the commands of the General and shall serve as the team leader in each platoon.
The Element: They are the team members in each platoon that will serve as the members of the team and shall follow the orders coming from their leaders.
Article V
Meetings and Quorum
Section 1.Special Meetings should be done as the The School Police Commander In Chief and the School Police Director called upon.
Section 2.One half + one of the total numbers of members of School Police make up a quorum; That is, that many must be present to conduct the business of the club.
Article VI
The constitution maybe amended, or changed, at any special meeting by a two-thirds vote.
It must be " How to legalize a club? " and not its past form "legalized"!!!
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